
It has been another challenging year for both energy and climate.

The energy crisis persisted, stabilising somewhat from the peaks of 2022 but remaining high — continuing to press the urgent need to move away from volatile fossil fuels.

We saw several ‘hottest month since records began’ headlines and 2023 is slated to take the grim top spot for the warmest year ever recorded.

There was good news too, however. 2023 saw renewable records at both a national and international level. COP28, the UN’s conference looked likely to become a mass exercise in greenwash, but in fact resulted in the first international agreement to specify a transition away from fossil fuels.

For Good Energy’s part, our independent renewable generator community from stormed past 2,000. Our analysis shows that well over half of the generators who join us are new, supplying electricity to the grid for the first time. We also became a solar installer and built up our heat pump installation business — helping customers cut their carbon by getting off gas and installing clean tech in their homes.

We launched new tariffs for people who are generating their own clean power, going back to our roots as the company who invented feed-in tariffs in the UK, and today has over 180,000 generator customers.

None of this could have been achieved without the support of our customers. As we enter 2024, with reason to be hopeful, I want to thank you all.

Wishing you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Nigel Pocklington

CEO, Good Energy