Our new data shows for the first time that the average Feed in Tariff generator will be better off on smart export.

Houses with solar have been paid for the electricity they generate since 2004 when Good Energy created its HomeGen scheme, which became the blueprint for the government’s Feed-in-Tariff (FIT), launched in 2010. 

Homes’ total generation figures have been available throughout this time via manual meter readings, but robust data on the electricity these generators exported to the grid is now available for the first time thanks to our roll-out of smart export metering, which we have now introduced for over 70,000 customers. 

How much power do FIT generators export? 

Good Energy’s data shows that the average UK home with solar panels on its roof shares the majority of electricity it generates back to the grid. The first of its kind finding is based on smart meter readings from more than 900 domestic solar customers over more than 12 months, with a mix of install sizes and geographic locations. It shows an average of 60% percent of the electricity generated is exported to the grid for others to use. Our data also shows that business portfolio generators export an average of 66% of their electricity.

The FIT scheme offers a 50% export payment for non-smart metered generators, regardless of how much a solar household shares back with the grid or uses itself. This figure was set when FIT originally launched, and was based on an assumption about how much power these microgenerators would use.

What does this mean for FIT household and portfolio generators?

Our new research shows that the average FIT customer will be paid more on smart export than on the deemed export that was standard under the scheme. For portfolio customers, this could amount to sizeable additonal earnings each year.

There are over 870,000 FIT accredited generator customers in the UK with a total capacity of just under 6.5GW — about double the planned capacity of Hinkley Point C — and Good Energy serves more than 20% of these. That makes us the largest voluntary administrator of the FIT scheme — testament to our having nurtured and invested in serving this important part of the energy system. 

A major part of our investment has been into smart export, under which the new data shows most solar households will earn more as they receive payment for their actual export. Currently, 80% of FIT exporters receive this deemed 50% rate, meaning that most FIT generators would be better off by switching to Good Energy.

Good Energy also offers a standalone smart export tariff for Feed-in-Tariff and non-Feed-in-Tariff accredited microgenerators alike, Solar Savings, which pays 15p per kilowatt hour for exported power or 20p for customers who install their solar through Good Energy. 

Read more about our data analysis

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