We’re sorry you want to make a complaint. Please follow the link below to submit your complaint via email. Within the email template, we’ve included a list of the information we will need to make sure your complaint is managed as quickly as possible.

Our complaints process

Step 1: Get in touch

However you want to get in touch, we will aim to resolve your complaint in your first contact with us or by the end of the next working day.

In person or in writing:

Good Energy

Monkton Park Offices

Monkton Park


SN15 1GH

By phone:  0345 034 2401 (option 1 for small business, option 2 for large business) By email:  


Or contact the complaints team directly by using our online form.

Complaints form

If we haven’t been able to resolve your complaint by the end of the next working day, we will be in touch within five working days and regularly thereafter until your complaint is resolved.

Our complaints are handled between 8:30am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays.

Step 2: Internal review

We will make every effort to resolve your complaint immediately. If we haven’t been able to come to a mutually acceptable resolution after step 1, you can raise the matter with your complaint handler who will ensure an independent internal review is carried out. Once again we will aim to carry out this review and reach a resolution within 5 working days.

Step 3:Independent help and advice if your a micro or small business

At any point in the complaints process, you have the option of contacting Citizens Advice. For free, confidential and impartial advice on your situation, you can contact Citizens Advice consumer service on 03454 04 05 06 (for a Welsh speaking advisor, call 03454 04 05 05), or you can complete their handy form here. To find out more about your rights, you can download the PDF at the bottom of this page. You can also get impartial information from your local Citizens Advice Bureau.

If we’ve not been able to resolve your complaint through steps 1 & 2 we will issue you with a letter outlining our final decision, known as a “deadlock” letter. This gives you the right to have a free, independent review of your complaint carried out by the Energy Ombudsman. As part of resolving your complaint the Ombudsman may ask us to make an apology or give an explanation. They can also ask us to take remedial action and may require us to award compensation. Any decision the Ombudsman make will be binding on our company, but not on you, so you can seek further advice if you wish to.

Energy Ombudsman 

What are my rights?

If your a micro or small business you also have the right to a free independent review carried out by the Energy Ombudsman if we have not been able to resolve your complaint after eight weeks. We will write to you to let you know when your complaint is eight weeks old.

Phone: 0330 440 1624

Textphone: 0330 440 1600



Website:  ombudsman-services.org

Get in touch

We will aim to respond to you by the end of the next working day.