Key stats

  • Sector: Leisure
  • Installation size: 252 kW
  • Annual generation: 253.3 MWh
  • Annual savings: £57,000
  • Annual CO2 reduction: 141 tonnes
  • Return on investment: < 4 years

The challenge: A leisure centre wanting greater control over their energy costs

RiversMeet Leisure Centre is a not-for-profit community-owned venue in Gillingham, Dorset. The Leisure Centre offers multiple sport and entertainment facilities, including a swimming pool, gym, sports hall, café and soft play.

With high energy usage, and the goal to always provide accessible facilities to the local community, getting greater control over their energy costs was a must. This is why they opted to install a large solar panel array with Good Energy Solar in May 2023.

The Solution: An optimised solar array, with payback in under four years

The impressive solar installation comprises 528 solar panels, 264 SolarEdge optimisers, and 2 SolarEdge inverters. As a result, RiversMeet is projected to generate 253,282 KWh of power annually. This not only benefits the environment but also translates into significant cost savings of nearly £57,000 a year.

The Leisure Centre’s projected payback period is under four years – showing that commercial solar panels really do make great commercial sense.

Get your commercial solar quote today